bumblebee, western sierras

bumblebee, queen?, hastings reserve

feamle carpenter bees fighting over a nest, hastings reserve

petting a male carpenter bee, hastings reserve

megachile perihirta, female leaf cutter bee, oakland
notice the pollen stored on the abdomen rather than the legs

megachile perihirta, female leaf cutter bee, oakland

a male long-horn bee, Melissodes, probably M. robustior
ground nesting bee of the family anthophoridae
notice long antennae in the male


the female of the\long horn bee



female sweat bee, Lasioglossum (Evylaeus?) sp, oakland
Family Halictidae, subfamily halictinae

female ground nesting bee, Andrena, possibly A. Simandrena sp.
Family Andredidae, subfamily Andreninae. a common spring bee

bumblebee, Bombus vosnesenskii, female worker bee, Oakland

female long horn bee on sunflower, Oakland

carpenter bee,
female Xylocopa, probably X. tabaniformis orpifex
nests in redwood fences and arbors
foraging at dusk, Ukiah


carpenter bee,
female Xylocopa, probably X. tabaniformis orpifex
nests in redwood fences and arbors
foraging at dusk, ukiah

carpenter bee on lupin, with tiny andrednid bee opposite her
Sierra National Forest

Golden Bumblebee on Wild Chicory
High Sierra near Sierravile

Female Green Mason Bee on Datura
Gunlock, AZ

Bumblebees on California Milkweed
Soerra National Forest, Mono Hotsprings


Thanks to Gordon Frankie & Robbin Thorp, UC Berkeley entomologists for identification help

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